Wow. I just viewed a number of blogs and websites dealing with the Occupy Wall Street phenomenon that is going on right now. Its causing me to ramble a bit and so I've decided to share my opinion here. Some of the photos were incredible and sure, I liked reading what some have written on their signs, but in all honesty...nothing is going to change. It will bring attention to an issue that needs to be dealt with, but really....nothing will change. There seems to be a backbone of unorganized thinking. So much so that neither party will actually embrace what is happening. Embrace. Hold fast, back completely. More than the reports of both sides of the issues, what stood out the most to me...what really caught my eye was the amount of trash that is present. It resembles a hobo convention and is very reminiscent of days gone by when NY had to deal with mountains of refuse left after a garbage strike. Other photos told a story of an urban woodstock...without the music of course. I get the whole point of protesting. Its one thing that I do love about our country. We have the opportunity to protest. NOT that it will make a difference, but it will bring attention to an issue that maybe "John Smith" or "Jane Doe" may not have cared enough to think or for that matter pay attention to in the past.
One issue that has sparked an interest is that I am sure that 99% of the group that was or is present now will pick up after themselves, will abide by the mantra of 'protesting peacefully' and will even purchase an item prior to using a business' toilet as their personal shower or changing room (leaving it trashed with no regard for the owner's real customers), but that 1%, oh those devils, they will be the group that many will talk about down the road. They will ruin it for all. Why? Because of human nature. After the last protestor has left, I'll be curious as to what the area everyone hung out in will look like. Will there be paint spilled on the sidewalks or urine and feces left behind? I guess we'll have to wait and see. We'll see if the city needed to foot the bill for clean up. I'm sure they will.
If you want change: VOTE. Get your butts out there and vote. Intelligibly. All of the photos that I have seen of those protesting will one day be stored away as memories. Protesting is only one part of the deal. Without taking a real stand in a booth, in private, you'll never see anything change. DON'T complain to me about how poorly the government is running our country if you haven't voted. I could care less what you think. I don't care what party you have associated yourself with or what side of an issue you cling to if you've voted, speak out! You can stand with your hands in the air waving signs that read "This is bullshit!" "I'm Occupying myself" or "Evolve. Resist. Ask" but if you haven't cast a ballot, go the hell home. If you are not a registered voter, you really aren't serious about the cause you are willing to 'suffer' for. True dat.
Note To Self: Update your voting information and donate something to a food bank.
P.S. Self: You'll piss someone off. Don't worry about it.
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