Friday, September 23, 2011

Notes From A Broad

I once read a quote:

 "To explore what it would mean to live fully, sensually alive and passionately on purpose, I have to drop my preconceived ideas of who and what I am."  - Dawna Markova

I rolled my eyes.  I thought to myself "geez, here's another quote that will be made into a movie.  Most likely it will star some fresh faced girl, thin and successful who takes a trip to some foreign country and finds herself and a man all within the first 3 hours of landing." I wanted to vomit (or at least dry heave). 

But something within that quote hit me.  Maybe it was a catalyst for the change that has happened in my life over the last 2 years, I'm not sure, but I do know that something woke me up.  This blog will be a humble, a possibly lame attempt to work through the awkward, irritating, humorous event I call my life.  Nothing is constant or orderly in my life and so my blog will follow suit.  It will read as chaotic as my journey of life is, but it will add to the humor.  It may not be easy, but seriously, what the hell is?
Note To Self:  Pack your bags.

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